The Countable Blog

Your Brand's New Secret Weapon

Written by Countable Team | Sep 29, 2021 6:17:17 PM

What really drives your brand?

In the age of mass media, companies controlled what information was publicly shared about them. Reputational information spread at a manageable pace and largely by word of mouth.

Social media changed that. Now, a single customer or employee can share their experience with a company with the whole world. As a result, communities, not institutions, control the fate of company brands.

Today, your brand, product, and company are determined by your employee and customer communities. How?

  • Reviews (G2, Capterra, Glassdoor, Amazon, Yelp)
  • Word of mouth (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
  • Forums (Reddit)

As the internet grows large and impersonal, leveraging your company’s digital community has never been more important. But, with the vast number of stakeholders, it has never been a more complex task. The secret is in a digital experience that harnesses the power of your community and launches your brand into the next multi-billion dollar global company.

Give your community a space

For many companies, a thriving community can be their single greatest asset, but getting there requires the right toolkit.

With the right platform, companies can give users a space to interact while encouraging brand messaging. It's common to believe communities require a high investment to begin, but it's worth remembering your customers have likely formed communities around your brand already. Communities are a matter of building space and fostering it.

Here's the secret

Your audience defines your brand. Sounds obvious, but only the most successful brands leverage this idea today. Vocal customers promote brand values and therefore shape the brand image. Customers engaged in a brand's community propel not only the product or service but drive social impact and (as we've seen at Countable) even public policy legislation.

When a company intentionally builds a platform for its customer community, they open a space for brand advocates to come together and share in purposeful engagement. This is the community's greatest source of value.

Work together

In a managed community, customers come together with the company on equal ground. The company and its extended brand community create the culture and become strong marketing advocates. Examples include:

  • Product Innovation
  • Viral User Generated Marketing Content
  • Social Responsibility
  • Legislation

The pointers and insights community members give a company is valuable to its growth in respect to mobilizing people, inspiring action, and activating data.


Your customer audience is your number one asset. In many cases, communities already form on platforms like Facebook and Reddit. When companies implement a white-label community they benefit by gaining a deeper, personal, understanding of what motivates and inspires their customer base. Your community should be using your content as a jumping-off point to conversations, to action, to events, to doing something. Don't leave your brand to be created on external sites, catalyze critical business and social outcomes with a brand-owned platform. Thrive alongside its customers, leverage the power of many.


Countable's Privately Branded Customer Engagement Platform

Countable offers organizations a platform that functions as an ideal home for their audience. The platform can be fully integrated with your existing infrastructure, designed with your brand style guide, and live on your brand’s domain. Countable's engagement platform gives organizations complete control of the experience and, on the backend, full access to comprehensive data and performance metrics - including your audience data.  Book a demo.